Reduce muscle aches and pains with Radial Pressure Wave Therapy.....
Radial Pressure Wave Therapy is a medical treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to send high-energy radial pressure waves (RPWs) to the site of chronic pain. At the most basic level, RPW therapy stimulates new cell growth. It increases blood flow, stimulates muscle repair and regeneration, and increases metabolization at the cellular level. When you experience chronic pain, your body no longer recognizes that there is an injury to that area. As a result, it shuts down the healing process and you feel no relief. The sound waves penetrate deep through soft tissue, reaching a microtrauma or inflammatory condition. This reactivates the body’s natural healing response.
The energy emitted also causes the cells in the soft tissue to release certain bio-chemicals that intensify the body’s natural healing process. These bio-chemicals allow for the building of an array of microscopic new blood vessels in the soft tissue. RPW therapy applications include:
myofascial trigger points
disorders of tendon insertions
pulse vibration massage
pain and inflammation in orthopedic conditions
various musculoskeletal diseases
herniated, bulging, or degenerative discs
plantar fasciitis
recurring episodes or chronic neck or back pain
chronic headaches
neck or back injuries