What is SOT? Sacro-Occipital Technique?
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) was originally formulated by Major Bertrand DeJarnette (The Major) who was a Doctor (chiropractor and osteopath) and Engineer in the 1920’s. The Major was inspired to go beyond simple spinal adjusting and developed methods of correcting the Cranium, Pelvis, Extremities and Organs. This study brought about a system of adjusting patterns in the body, not just single body parts. The most significant pattern was the relationship between the sacrum and occiput (which became the name of the technique).

An important distinction of SOT is the use of indicators. Each adjustment has a sign or signal that the we use to know when and where to adjust. For example, muscle tension at the knee may indicate the pelvis needs correction, and connective tissue fibers at the base of the skull (called occipital fibers) indicate different vertebra in the back or spine may be in need of an adjustment. This also tells us on the next visit if the correction has been completely or marginally effective. From these indicators, we design a different adjustment set on each visit, listening to the body each time. It takes study to master this method of care, but it makes for an effective, precise adjustment without relying exclusively on x-rays.
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